Tuesday, March 24, 2009

News That Pissed Me Off

This was published in my Facebook. For some reason, I like the simplicity of it and would like to share it with you here. I came across this news not so long ago and boy oh boy it pissed the hell out of me so much thinking about the tax money we pay! Here you go.

Goyang kaki, duit-duit mari
Hidup banyak senang, Rakyat bayar gaji

Kompani tak untung, itu saya tak peduli
Gaji tetap mari, itu yang saya peduli
5.10 juta gaji, saya senyum tiap-tiap hari

Nak kerja saya diganti, mati-mati tak akan jadi
Kompani mana boleh dibeli, Pakatan Rakyat kuat mimpi
Siapa kata saya keji, otak kau yang patut dikaji
Nak tahu siapa saya ini, pandai-pandai la klick sini

I know, my Bahasa Malaysia is lousy but the message gets to you right? This is sickening to me but it happened. If you and me not perform up to the mark in our jobs, we will be taken off from the post or worse still, get sacked and feel defeated / humiliated. Furthermore, in the time of recession, we are praying hard to God not to take our jobs away. But those in Government-linked companies do not have to face this. Key Performance Indicators do not matter. The company suffered huge loss under his management but unabashedly, he still gets to enjoy RM5 million annual salary and perks!

The fact that the Company made huge loss is a real mystery. How on earth did the loss come about? No answer given.

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