Have you been reading news? Well, the hottest news in recent days are the power tussle between two MCA heads over who should helm the second largest political party in Malaysia - Malaysia Chinese Association. Ong determined to assassinate the political career of Chua once and for all while Chua on the other hand working hard to submerge / overturn the MCA ship of Captain Ong.
I have a friend from Singapore recently and she asked me about the political situations in Malaysia. Let's just say she is 'someone'.
Someone: Which side are you or rather who do you believe should helm the MCA and has the ability to lead MCA out of its misery existence and bring about positive changes?
Me: Ong and Chai can go F each other upside down I don't care and basically they are useless as a leader.
Someone: Wow, such a strong comment. So you are not taking side and you think their leadership is pointless for MCA. Anyone else in the party that you think can hold the MCA ship after Ong and Chua are both out of picture?
Me: No, none of the monkeys. Can you trust monkeys to stir the ship? When I say monkey I mean those high ranking monkeys with ministerial posts and state-heads and those who made regular headlines in the news. I am sure there are capable ones in MCA but I don't know them. At the moment, I think the party is doomed at the way things go.
Someone: Well, if you put it that way. What is MCA means to you anyway? I mean you don't seem to trust the second largest political power party can make any difference? We are talking about a party with millions of members.
Me: MCA is like a ship going against wind. It does not go the direction where the river wants it to go. Or put it simply, it is irrelevant.
Someone: Like how?
Me: Like the party does not serve the purpose of its very existence. There have been whole loads of issue needed to be addressed which they were entrusted to deal with but instead of voicing out, seeking solutions, it choose to play down the issue in order to please you-know-who. Like the party fails to see the importance of bringing changes that really matter not only to the Chinese but for the Malaysia as a whole. Like the party is run by individuals who prioritize their own agendas. Like there is always in-fighting going on to the detrimental of party unity. Like the are opportunists who made to the rank. Like, there are just many.
Someone: Doesn't that make you sad that your own party is irrelevant?
Me: Party? Me? MCA? Hell no! I am not the party member. I would not.
Someone: Oh I am sorry, I though you are one of the members. No wonder you see MCA so negatively.
Me: Well, not being MCA member does not mean that I look and think MCA negatively. In fact, there were great leaders in the early days and great contributions. However, the integrity and objectives of the party eroded over the years. It is now become Self-Serving Party, to whoever that helms MCA.
Someone: Are you concern as a Chinese that the party representing Chinese in Malaysia is... well, not in pretty good shape now? Losing MCA is like loosing Chinese political voice.
Me: Well, I though we have lost that 'political voice' long time ago. Ha, you got to know me better! Being born into the race of Chinese and in the land called Malaysia does not mean that my interest as a Chines is everything that is far more important that others races'. Come on. The world today isn't just about what race you are! The idea of race is becoming irrelevant. I mean we are Malaysian don't we? MCA represents a very narrow perspective of the world. I begin to think that race-based political parties are beginning to losing its significant now. Not entirely now but it will as the time passes. The parties principles are so self-serving, selfish and irrelevant to the unity and progress of Malaysia as a whole. It disintegrates / divides / and exist to create society disharmony at best. I prefer to be known as Malaysian. Drop that 'Chinese' from Malaysian Chinese. By the way, the concept of race-based party is so outdated. To break racial barrier and bring progress, the race-based has to be phased out. Start educating ourselves and our children in accepting and understanding the differences and love the country as one.
Someone: Well, you got your point there. But I think it is too idealistic. It can't be one-sided. It has to be consensus.
Me: True. It takes time. Idealistic it may sound but it can be a reality and consensus it taking place and shape slowly and steadily. I think the general Malaysian are seeing and knowing where they want to go in future and BN and gangs don't fit into the picture. We (rakyat) are much more matured now. There is this friend of mine says that I am overly optimistic about my believe. Well, it has to start somewhere and being upbeat is absolutely necessary.
Someone: Ha ha. Don't we agree that all dreams start with optimism. What is your prediction of MCA's future?
Me: Seriously, I think the party is doomed and I don't care. Unless it makes the changes which I just don't see that possibility... yet.
Someone: Well, somehow I think MCA can still make a difference in the politic science here. I don't know how but like you... optimism I guess.
Me: There is no cure to everything. But have it your way.
Someone: By the way, who is your favourite politician in MCA?
Me: There are many. Chow Mei Fen is on the top of my list.
Someone: Well, well, you do have a favourite in MCA after all.
Me: Yeah, she is my favourite clowns in MCA and I don't mean that a compliment, obviously.